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Physical Activity Research Reports | ||
Organisation |
Report |
Overview |
Department for Culture, Media & Sport | Sign-up for the latest range of statistics from the DCMS | The DCMS Statistics Newsletter highlighting key cross cutting publications. |
BHF National Centre Physical Activity & Health | Exploring the importance of physical activity for adults | Four factsheets using the latest evidence to promote physical activity in adults. |
Sport England | Sport England Strategy | Sport England has made tackling physical inactivity its number one priority, with plans to triple the amount it spends on the issue as part of its new strategy. |
Sport England | Who plays Sport? | The popularity of different sports and how people engage with them – whether through organised competitions, club membership, or tuition. |
Sport and Recreation Alliance | The Social Value of Sport | Essays discussing the power of sport and recreation to achieve social good, how to run sporting initiatives that aim to achieve social good and how best to promote them. |
BHF National Centre Physical Activity and Health | Global State of physical activity | The Global Observatory for Physical Activity has released country report cards for 131 countries covering 67% of the world. |
The London School of Economics and Political Science | Moving the Goalposts: Poverty and Access to Sport for Young People | Why high poverty areas suffer such major disadvantages and throw up so many barriers in the field of “active learning” and whether informal sport and physical activity could actually help. |
European Commission | Country-Specific Overviews on Physical Activity | The EU’s most physically active countries are Greece and Hungary, closely followed by Slovakia and Romania |
UK Sport and Sport England | Triennial Review Report | DCMS released its report which sets out the recommendations of the triennial review of UK Sport and Sport England |
World Health Organisation | 10-year physical activity strategy | Overcoming the growing physical inactivity epidemic by outlining a 10-year strategy to get Europeans moving more. |
EU Observatory | The economic cost of IPR infringement in sports equipment | A complete picture of the economic impact of counterfeiting and piracy |
Women in Sport | Understanding Women’s Lives | The research defines six key values that are fundamental in the lives of women and girls. |
Health Select Committee | ‘Make physical activity the priority’, say MPs in landmark report | Tackling physical inactivity must become a frontline health priority for the UK’s next government, ahead of the separate issue of obesity |
Gov.UK | An analysis of the health and educational benefits of sport and culture | This report further develops the evidence base around the social and wellbeing value of culture and sport. |
UNESCO | New PE guidelines for policy makers | Governments have been called on to increase investment in physical education and school sport. |
Cambridge University | Lack of exercise is twice as deadly as obesity | Even a small amount of exercise, such as brisk daily 20 minute walk, reduces the risk of premature death. |
Department for Education | PE and sport premium: an investigation in primary schools | Examines how the PE and sports premium is being used in schools in England |
Department for Education | Primary Schools Premium Analysis | The first part of DOE’s research into the PE and Sport Premium in primary schools. |
Women and Sport | PE Lessons are putting girls off sport | Girls are being put off sport by PE lessons and must be offered more “imaginative” activities |
Culture, Media and Sport Committee | Too few sports community facilities in the UK | Recommendations for a government review |
OFSTED | Going the extra mile: excellence in competitive school sport | Research into the educational background of elite athletes. |
Cancer Research | Send kids out to play after school, urge experts | HOW children spend their after-school hours has a big impact on their levels of physical activity, according to research. |
BHF National Centre | Early Years Slides – Recommendations for Practice and Policy | Designed to be used by early years professionals to help share information on physical activity in this age group. |
BHF National Centre | Early Years Slides – Resources to Promote Physical Activity | An overview of some of the BHFNC and British Heart Foundation resources available. |
BHF National Centre | Early Years Slides – Physical Activity Levels and Factors | Evidence is provided on the key factors that can influence physical activity participation in the early years. |
BHF National Centre | Early Years Slides – Physical Activity Guidelines | Designed to be used by early years professionals to help share information on physical activity in this age group. |
Department for Culture Media and Sport | Quantifying and Valuing the Wellbeing Impacts of Culture and Sport | Researchers from the London School of Economics (LSE) analysed data to determine the impact of cultural engagement and sport participation. |
European Commission | Eurobarometer 242 on Sport and Inactivity | This survey provides much needed data supporting the developments of the policy framework related to sport. |
All Party Commission on Physical Activity | Tackling Physical Inactivity — A Coordinated Approach | This is the first of two reports from the All-Party Parliamentary Commission on Physical Activity. The scale and scope of the problem is outlined. |
Leisure Opportunities | EU having a ‘positive influence’ on sport in the UK | The European Union (EU) has had a “positive influence” on sport in the UK, according to a report by the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS). |
UK Government | Moving More, Living More | Encouraging physical activity amongst children and young people is key to turning the tide of inactivity, as good habits established when young can last a lifetime. |
BHFNC | New children and young people evidence briefing | The report focuses on children and young people aged 5-18 and looks at the available research evidence for the benefits of physical activity. |
UK Active | Turning the Tide of Inactivity | The report uses local authority figures to calculate the number of people officially classed as ‘inactive’. |
The Independent | Give childhood back to children: if we want our offspring to have happy, productive and moral lives, we must allow more time for play, not less | Our children don’t need more school. They need more play. If we care about our children and future generations, we must reverse the horrid trend that has been occurring over the past half century. We must give childhood back to children. |
National Obesity Forum | One third of children in Year Six are overweight or obese | ‘The State of the Nation’s Waistline’ report found that although there was a slight improvement on the previous year (33.3% instead of 33.9%) this is not necessarily sustainable or representative of other younger age groups. |
Public Health England | Social and economic inequalities in diet and physical activity | A report claiming those from lower socio-economic groups tend to have poorer access to environments that support physical activity. |
British Heart Foundation | Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity With Children | The evidence based recommendations in this briefing are underpinned by research findings. |
Association of Play Industries | Guidance on Adult Outdoor Gym Equipment | Until EN 16630 is available (in 2014), the API advises those planning to install Outdoor Adult Gym Equipment using the existing German or French national standards. |
BMJ Open | Doctors Sound Alarm on Child Fitness and Health | Fears over obesity, half of seven year olds are not doing enough exercise |
BMA | Growing Up in the UK | The latest research, focusing on the child, from conception to age 5. And on the impact of social and economic inequality on child health. |
BHF Active | Children’s Activity Patterns | The physical activity patterns of Children in England and Northern Ireland |
Sport & Recreation Alliance | March Policy Update | See how different countries in Europe compare when it comes to offering sport and PE in schools. |
OFSTED | Outstanding Physical Education | Beyond 2012 – outstanding physical education for all |
BHF Active | Physical Activity Guidelines | For help working with children and young people to use the Government’s physical activity guidelines. |
Sport and Recreation Alliance | Move It | The Young Foundation, working with Nike over the past 18 months have generated insight into how best to increase levels of physical activity among young people in England. |
Sport and Recreation Alliance | Game of Life | This new study explores the impact of sport and recreation on society, bringing together evidence to support the fact that sport and recreation are good for you. |
Nike Inc | Designed to Move | A Physical Activity Action Agenda – more than 70 experts from a wide range of disciplines contributed to the development of the fact base and this framework. These are the champions who are committed to working together to create a new future. |
Playforce | Combating Childhood Obesity report | A white paper report looking at the statistics gathered from a nationwide survey of primary school head teachers and early years managers as a tool for developing programmes of action rather than as an end product in and of itself. |
The NPD Group & FESI | European sport market size estimate | European sport market size estimates (2010/11) from the NPD Group and the Federation of European Sports Industries (FESI) |
Deloitte | Olympic Inspiration | Half of young adults in the UK intend to become more active as a result of the Olympic Games, according to new research from the official professional services provider to London 2012. |
Sport England | Active People Survey April 2010-11 | The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken in Europe. |
Sport England | Active People Survey April 2011-12 | The Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken in Europe. |
House of Lords | 1st Report of 2012–13 | Sport and exercise science and medicine: building on the Olympic legacy to improve the nation’s health. |
HSBC | 2020 Vision for Golf | The trends which will shape the future of golf. |
Dept of Culture, Media & Sport | The Olympic & Paralympic Games | DCMS ‘Taking Part’ Survey 2011/12. |
Dept of Health | Start Active, Stay Active | A report on physical activity for health from the four home countries’ Chief Medical Officers’ report. |
Lego Learning Institute | The Future of Play | A report defining the role and value of play in the 21st century. |
The London Health Observatory | Child’s Play? | The antenatal to adolescent health legacy in the Olympic Borough’s. |
NHS National Obesity Observatory | TV viewing and obesity in children & young people | Fact sheet on relationship between TV viewing and obesity in children and young people. |
Child weight | NHS latest fact sheet on Child weight trends. | |
Obesity and the environment -Fast food outlets | Fact sheet on relationship between density of fast food outlets and deprivation. | |
The NPD Group | Bucking the Trend | The recent performance of the UK running footwear category. |